
I made this website as a means of rambling about my self indulgent projects without feeling like I'm bothering anyone.

Feel free to stick around if any of the things you see are of your liking! There's a navigation bar above that can lead you to the different pages.

Home is the page you're currently on, you can't click on it here, but you can in other pages.

Collections is a compilation of official merchandise of things I like. Mainly focused on Pokémon right now.

Art Gallery is similar to Collections, but it compiles official pieces of artwork of characters I like.

Ribbons is a Pokémon section, a compilation of all the Pokémon I've been turning into "Ribbon Masters" and my journey to work on them.

Blog is a section where I might make journal-like entries, as well as list side projects that you can access on the left side.

Credits is, as its name implies, a section where I give credits to places where I got resources or inspiration from.